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Comment changer le verre de sa montre ?-Charlie Paris

How to change the glass of your watch?

Watches are fragile objects and it is not uncommon, by clumsiness, to break the glass of the latter. Don't worry, changing the glass of a watch is a classic repair.

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La couronne de montre : à quoi sert cette pièce ?-Charlie Paris

The watch crown: what is the purpose of this watch component?

The crown is one of the key elements in the construction of a watch: if it serves most of the time to change the hour and minute hands.

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Comment enlever les maillons d'une montre acier ?-Charlie Paris

How to remove the links from a steel watch?

Is your steel watch strap too big?  Don't worry, it is always possible to adjust the strap to your size.

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5 idées de cadeaux pour un amateur de montres

5 gift ideas for a watch lover

Christmas is coming soon! To help you select your future gifts, the Charlie Paris team has selected just for you the 5 gift ideas for a watch lover.

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Le guide des complications horlogères-Charlie Paris

A guide to watch complications

What is a watch complication? Calendar, tourbillon, power reserve, chronograph... Charlie Paris deciphers the complications of a watch.

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Nettoyer et entretenir sa montre avec soin, nos conseils-Charlie Paris

Cleaning and maintaining your watch with care, our tips

To keep your watch for many years, it must be carefully cleaned and maintained.

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Le quantième, la complication horlogère donnant le jour du mois-Charlie Paris

The date display, the watch complication giving the day of the month

The date on a watch is the watch complication that displays the date along with the time.

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La montre de fiançailles, cadeau de mariage traditionnel du marié-Charlie Paris

The engagement watch, traditional wedding gift for the groom

The wedding watch has become a tradition since the democratization of the wristwatch in the late nineteenth century. Thus, the wedding watch has become the equivalent of the ring for these gentlemen.

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Montre automatique cœur ouvert, montre heartbeat: notre sélection homme et femme-Charlie Paris

Open heart watch: our selection for men and women

Discover our selection of automatic watches for men and women with open heart.

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Tachymètre de montre, comment fonctionne-t-il ?

Watch tachometer, how does it work?

A tachometer is an instrument that measures the speed of an object but also of a living being.

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10 Montre à moins de 200€ : Notre sélection-Charlie Paris

Men and women watches under 200€ : Our selection

At Charlie Paris, it is important for us to offer you French made watches with a good quality price ratio. Discover our top 10 watches under 500€.

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Quelle montre acheter pour 500€ ? Notre sélection

Which watch to buy for 500€? Our selection

At Charlie Paris, it is important for us to offer you French made watches with a good quality price ratio. Discover our top 10 watches under 500€.

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Quelle montre choisir, Comment faire le bon choix?-Charlie Paris

Which watch to choose ? How to make the right choice ?

When it comes to choosing a watch, the possibilities and combinations are almost endless! Don't worry, Team Charlie is here to help you choose the right watch for YOU.

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Quelle couleur de montre choisir ?

Which watch color should I choose?

What color watch to choose?  The color of a watch can be chosen at two levels, the color can change on the dial but also on the case.

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De quel coté se porte une montre ? Gauche ou Droite ?

On which side should a watch be worn? Left or right?

Many of you wear your Charlie on your wrist, but not just any wrist! Very often the left one.  There are various explanations for this, but just for you, we have chosen three.

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Mouvement Quartz : Qu'est ce que c'est ? Comment fonctionne t-il ?-Charlie Paris

All about watches with quartz movement

A real revolution in the 70's, the Quartz movement watch is now the most commercialized type of watch in the world. What is the role of the Quartz in the functioning of this type of movement?

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Pile sur une montre : Quelles sont leurs différences ?-Charlie Paris

Watch batteries: What are their differences?

So what are the differences between lithium batteries, silver oxide batteries and alkaline batteries? The Charlie team explains the particularity of each.

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Quelle montre pour un budget de 1000 euros?-Charlie Paris

Which watch for a budget of 1000 euros?

Discover our selection of watches for a budget of 1000 euros.

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Pourquoi dit-on "midi pétante" ?-Charlie Paris

Why do we say "noon sharp"?

In this article, we enlighten you on the surprising origin of this expression. For that, let's go to the gardens of the Palais Royal, in the heart of Paris... 

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Comment changer la pile de sa montre ?-Charlie Paris

How to change the battery of your watch?

Some of you may want to take the challenge and change the battery of your watch on your own!

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Montre chronographe : Qu'est ce que c'est ?-Charlie Paris

Chronograph watch, everything you need to know to make the right choice

Although the chronograph watch is now a classic within the watch industry, many of us do not know exactly what this name refers to.

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Comment fonctionne une montre automatique ?-Charlie Paris

How does an automatic watch work?

To fully understand how an automatic watch or automatic movement works, you must first understand what this type of watch is made of.

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Montre Quartz : Qu'est ce que c'est ? Comment fonctionne t-elle?-Charlie Paris

Quartz watch : How does it work?

A real revolution in the 70's, the quartz watch is now the most commercialized type of watch in the world. What is the role of quartz in the functioning of this type of movement?

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Quelle taille de montre choisir pour mon poignet ?-Charlie Paris

What size watch should I choose for my wrist?

When you want to buy a watch, you may wonder what size watch to choose according to your wrist, especially when you make a purchase on the internet.

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Montre la plus chère au monde : Qui détient le record?-Charlie Paris

Most expensive watch in the world: Who holds the record?

What is the most expensive watch in the world? This is the question that many of you are asking ... The Charlie Paris team has conducted the investigation and gives you all the answers you are wait...

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Rubis au sein d'une montre et de son mouvement : À quoi servent-ils?-Charlie Paris

Rubies in a watch and its movement: What are they for?

You may not know it but rubies are inserted in the heart of mechanical watch movements (manual and automatic). Decrypting and analyzing the role of rubies within them.

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Heure UTC, Temps Atomique International, Temps Universel Qu'est ce que c'est ?-Charlie Paris

International Atomic Time, Universal Time: What is it?

GMT time, UTC time : You don't know what the difference is? Don't worry, the Charlie Paris team explains it all to you!

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Comment nettoyer ma montre de manière efficace ?-Charlie Paris

How can I clean my watch efficiently?

You love your watch and you notice that it gets dirty but you don't know how to clean it? Don't worry, the Charlie Paris team gives you its best tips to keep your watch looking like new!

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Ma montre a pris l'eau : Que faire ?

Water has seeped into my watch : What can I do ?

If your watch gets wet, you will notice it very quickly: steam will appear inside the watch. But what should you do to minimize the impact of water inside the case?

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Fréquence sur une montre automatique, qu'est-ce que c'est ?-Charlie Paris

Frequency on an automatic watch, what is it?

The frequency of a movement is often a component that is mentioned when buying an automatic watch. But what does this unit of measurement refer to?

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